viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

My favorite Book

Hi classmates!

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite book. I will not lie, now I don’t remember my favorite book but I can tell you that I love reading in my free time and in my not free time too.

Now I’m reading a book about sport psychology. It’s a very big book and it’s a gift given to me by my  teacher from this subjet. (This book isn’t for a test, it’s just for enjoying and learning).

Whatever, the book that I remember now and I liked it so much is “Crónicas de una muerte anunciada” (Chronicle of a death foretold) by Gabriel García Márquez.  I remember I found this book one day in my closet where  all books are. “Chronicle of a death foretold” is a short book. I didn’t know that I would enjoy it as much as I did.

I think that the best part of the book  for me was the end. I don’t like people telling me the end of the book before I read it, is like I tell you that the main character die in the end of the book. Maybe is obviously that this happend but I thought that the final was different.

I enjoyed so much the rhythm of book. I was completely interested and entertaining all time! Actually the story is very good! Really is so fun when the protagonist’s family search him for save him life. Anybody can not be concentrated about all incident that happend for save and take his life to Santiago Nasar. 


viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

                                                                            Hi classmate!

Today I’m going to talk about the environment. I think  now is more easy to learn about friendly practices about environment. People can find  friendly practices on TV or internet, but I think the most important place to learn is home with the entire family.

I don’t consider myself a green person because I think I don’t practice many things for take care the environment. For example, in my house nobody recycle! But, for writing this post I read somethings about the environment and I discovered that I have some good practices.

I live in a little city and is very easy go to any place walking, then I walk so much! I love walking (: another thing very easy is to use a special bag not a plastic bag to go to the  supermarket. Also, when you hang your clothes outdoors, you help to reduce the harmful gases, like a carbon dioxide, that generate climate change! (This is a really easy practice to reduce your carbon foot print :D )Other option is disconnect the electronics thing when you don’t use, like this, you take care the electricity!

After this post, I think many people feel like me. Maybe all persons have friendly practices with the environment but we don’t know! I think there are many things more for take care our environment, because, sometimes,  our actions are very dangerous and it’s not easy change the reality when the consequence are so severe like a global warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect.

Greetings (:

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

My experience in the field

Hi classmates!

Today I’m going to post about my experience in the field. In my career don’t exist many experiences in the field, this is so boring. I have two favorites experiences: one, is the visit to kinder garden and two, the visit at zoo.

I prefer to tell you about the visit at zoo. The last year I had a subjet named “Primate ethology” and the principal evaluation was go at zoo for a research with monkeys.  The first time the instruction was look all types of monkeys for a little time and after choose two species for the research .I went many weeks at the zoo with my classmates for relevant information.

We had look the two species for a long time. We choose some monkeys of species, because each member of group had to look one monkey.  We had make to audio record for register all activities, each movement, each sound of the monkey selected!!

The problem is the zoo not close for us, then we had to work with people see us, with the shout of kids, etc. Other problem or thing that I dislike was the sun. I love the sun but those days I finish with sun burn and an awful headache.

Not all was bad. We could visit all animals after the activity, I can be with my friends and I feel that I learn so much. I enjoy this experience, I think is very useful like a method for use with people in psychology. 

Greetings (: